Unionville Meadows - 10 Years of Academic Excellence

It's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Unionville Meadows Public School first opened it's doors.  And what a great 10 years it has been.  The school has quickly climbed in ratings and is now known as one of Ontario's highest ranked public schools for academic excellence.  

Led by outstanding Principals over it's 10 years, the school has thrived.  The first to take the helm was  Doug Wilton, followed by Amanda Leblanc, and now Leanne Hughes Fernandes.  Great Principals have provided the school with the leadership any great school requires to position itself as one of the tops in the Province.

This was the original group of teachers from Opening Day at Unionville Meadows.  Some have come, some have gone, but the core remains the same.  It was great to see many of the ones that have moved on to other schools come back for the Anniversary Celebration and the tears in their eyes as they saw what their hard work had resulted in.  Well-Rounded individuals that are nearing graduation from UMPS, already in high-school and some now in University.  Must have been a great feeling to know that you contributed to the success stories of today!

The level of care from the teachers, supports staff, and maintenance staff is phenomenal.  UMPS Children, are not just OUR children, they have become EVERYBODY'S children while at school.  The support and family type of environment rubs off on the children as well.  It's a close knit school community which sees everyone helping and encouraging each other to be the best they can be.  As Mr. Andonoff stated, the school has only had one fight between two students in it's TEN year history.  That says a lot just in that statement about how close the students are to each other.  Here is the 2013/14 Group.  Some new faces, but the same level of care and kindness that has become a hallmark of UMPS staff. 

Lifelong friendships have been formed amongst the students.  Ones that will continue into the future, well after their tenure at UMPS has ended.  Sabrina and Alexandra, below, first met in Junior Kindergarten on the day the school first opened.  After spending a few years together, Alexandra moved away.  Their friendship has continued over the years and they were back together again for the 10th Anniversary festivities, sharing memories and dreams.  

When the school first opened, the Junior Kindergarten classes were asked to paint what they wanted to be when they grew up on a tile.  The foyer of the school is now adorned with these tiles.  

Sabrina, of course, wanted to become an artist (with pink hair I believe). ;)  Ten years later, she is quite the artist! (but she does not have pink hair - Thank God!) 

Alexandra wanted to become a princess.  And her parent's would concur, she really does think she is now.  :)

The school's motto, and theme song, is From Seeds We Soar.  What a great motto for a school so dedicated to helping each and every student soar to heights beyond their dreams.  

Congratulations to all the staff and students of Unionville Meadows on a fabulous first ten years!  The next ten will be even better and as parents of the children you've helped raise and turn into success stories of the future, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  Thank you for all you have done, and all you continue to do!  From Seeds You Have Soared!