The purchase and sale of a home can be the most important financial and personal decisions that you will ever make. Selecting the right Realtor to represent you is the key to a successful transaction. Working with Asif Khan - a professional who acts in your best interest - will save you time, money and aggravation. Once you sign the Authority To Represent, Asif will act as your Agent for your transaction. While the term "Agent" is not specific to the Real Estate industry, most Real Estate Salespeople, Brokers and REALTORS act as Agents when conducting business. An Agent is commonly defined as any person who represents another person in a business transaction.
Agency Relationships:
There are four agency relationship that can be created:
- Buyer Representation (Client relationship established)
- Seller Representation (Client relationship established)
- Multiple Representation Buyer and Seller Representation in place. (Client relationship established)
- Customer Service ( No client relationship established)
Prior to starting the search/listing, Asif will schedule a 30 minute consultation at our offices to help you understand the Agency Relationships and complete the appropriate Authority To Represent. Take the time to understand the differences in services that Asif provides to Clients and Customers. As a Buyer or Seller, it is important that you choose the best type of representation available from a Realtor. Your choice is to become a Client or Customer. There are many differences between the two.
Real Estate Relationships Definitions Client: Often referred to as a principal, a client is a person who asks an Agent to act on his or her behalf during the purchase, sale, exchange or rental of a property or business. An Agent owes their clients full fiduciary duties, such as loyalty, confidentiality, accountability, duty of care, obedience to all lawful instructions, and full disclosure of all pertinent facts. This relationship is call Client-Agent Relationship. In a Client-Agent relationship, you are able to receive market analysis, confidential market information as part of the full disclosure.
Customer: A customer is a person who has not retained an Agent to work on his or her behalf. While a customer does not enjoy the fiduciary duties and benefits of the Client-Agent Relationship, they are nevertheless entitled to be treated fairly, honestly and with due care at all times and cannot purposely be misrepresented. As a Customer, you are not able to receive market analysis or the Confidential market information due to you under Full Disclosure.
Understanding The Differences Between Client and Customer Service |
Schedule your 30 minute consultation by calling Asif today.
Asif Khan, Realtor
Re/Max All-Stars Realty Inc.
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